I.Β Β Description
Management is the process by which organisational goals are attained through integrating human activity. It is largely about people and human endeavor. The major develops and critically examines management and strategic practices within organisations to generate solutions. The management major will prepare students for a career in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors.
II.Β Β Learning Objectives
This course provides the quantitative skills and expertise required to:
- demonstrate their knowledge of business and management principles
- demonstrate critical-thinking and problem solving skills
- demonstrate effective written and oral communication
- demonstrate an awareness of the global environment in which businesses operate
- demonstrate an awareness of their own values
- demonstrate a sense of responsibility and a capacity for service
- demonstrate the ability to recognize when change is needed, adapt to change as it occurs, and lead change
- demonstrate an understanding of their personal interests, abilities, strengths, and weaknesses as the pertain to their chose career field
III.Β Learning Outcomes
Students graduated from the program will be expected to have knowledge and practical skills in:
- demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing
- demonstrate knowledge of the legal and ethical environment impacting business organizations and exhibit an understanding and appreciation of the ethical implications of decisions
- demonstrate an understanding of and appreciation for the importance of the impact of globalization and diversity in modern organizations
- demonstrate an ability to engage in critical thinking by analyzing situations and constructing and selecting viable solutions to solve problems
- demonstrate an ability to work effectively with others
- demonstrate knowledge of current information, theories and models, and techniques and practices in all of the major business disciplines including the general areas of Accounting and Finance, Information Technologies, Management, Marketing, and Quantitative Analysis.