Career Path Survey of IU Graduates
Upon graduation from IU, we would like to keep up to date on your career success and contact information. The information from this survey will be used to create a basic database for the IU alumni association.
Please note that this information will be also made public on an employment statistics. However, your personal information (ID card number, name, address, phone number, cellular phone number, e-mail, etc.) will not be released in order to protect your privacy.
Please fill out the form completely, as all information is essential, and please be sure to fill out your form personally in order to ensure accuracy.
If your career path changes (i.e. change of employment or further education) after submitting this survey, please contact the staff of IU Liaison Affairs Office for your update.
If you have any questions about this form, please contact Mr. Vouch Phisith (email: [email protected]) from the liaison affair office at the International University.
Thank you for your cooperation in advance.